How Do I Stop My Porn Addiction? My Journey to Recovery

How Do I Stop My Porn Addiction? My Journey to Recovery

Overcoming pornography addiction

My story

Honestly, quitting wasn't really my choice. It was like the universe threw me a curveball and said, "This is your only shot." Life as an addict? Brutal, man, just constant hurdles. I was seriously skirting rock bottom by the end.

So here’s the deal: I got stopped by the cops 'cause my car tags were out. But the moment the officer rolled up, he wasn’t even about me. He’s all like, “Where did @$!#& dash off to!? Where’s he headed? Know anyone around here?” (Not dropping names here.) They were on the hunt for a top-shelf criminal who just happened to hitch a ride with me. Wrong place, wrong time. End of the day, my ride got towed. Cost me $400, which was exactly what I paid for it, and without wheels, no way to hustle or make a dime. Ended up marooned at this tiny guest house on my boyfriend’s mom’s land. Nowhere to go, no way to score, just stuck detoxing cold turkey, praying someone would show up with a fix. Spoiler: they didn’t.

After that, things got super real. Spent a week in bed, zero sleep. Plenty of time to think and reflect, and that’s when it hit me.

The Turning Point

I finally called it quits when I walked into a methadone/suboxone clinic after losing literally everything and having no way to get high. A Point of heroin is $20 back home, and nobody would front even if I threw in an extra $20 to deliver just outside town. Ridiculous, right? Me and my boyfriend were sick of the withdrawal game, hitting up the clinic was quick, even though I had to hoof it four miles each way—which felt like trekking to China in withdrawal mode. Totally worth it, though.

Now, I’m nine months clean, still on suboxone but half the dose.

Staying Clean

Staying clean? It's all about keeping super busy. Work, hobbies, hanging out—no downtime. If I’m always up to something, there’s no chance to even think about getting high. Plus, I’m finally doing all the fun stuff I missed out on. Started with daily walks—just committing to doing what I said I’d do, rain or shine. Got back into painting and sketching, tackling outdoor projects, fixing up the place.

Kicking the habit with suboxone and a fresh mindset was the best flip my life's ever done. Those years chained to addiction? Absolute hell. Now, I’ve got all this time to make up for, and I’m living it up, my way!

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