#1 Nofap Counter
Stop Porn Addiction

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Frequently asked questions

What is QuitX and how can it help me?

QuitX is a streak tracking app in general, but also full of motivation and other cool features like: Urges tracking, Actions, Panic button, Reasons (to remember why you have started), and many more. It will definitely helps you on your way to cure porn addiction, it's always better to see your progress during few months, rather not

Is it free app?

Yes, it's a free app on 95%, as our TOP priority is to help more people and provide value. And other 5% is paid premium, but only if you need some cool design styles and customisations. Main functions of the app are free.

Is my privacy protected while using an app?

Yes, your privacy is a priority for us. We use Google Analytics and that's it. We don't collect anything from you and we do not share your data with others third parties.

Can I access the app on multiple devices

Yes, we don't have sync, but you can use Export/Import from your progress and share with another device

What's next?

Download an app

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Google Play

All rights reserved. QuitX 2024

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